July 30, 2010

Ubuntu – Set Date time

where newdatetimestring has to follow the format nnddhhmmyyyy.ss which is described below

ie . sudo date 073010302010.55

* nn is a two digit month, between 01 to 12

* dd is a two digit day, between 01 and 31, with the regular rules for days according to month and year applying

* hh is two digit hour, using the 24-hour period so it is between 00 and 23

* mm is two digit minute, between 00 and 59

* yyyy is the year; it can be two digit or four digit: your choice. I prefer to use four digit years whenever I can for better clarity and less confusion

* ss is two digit seconds. Notice the period '.' before the ss.

July 21, 2010

Speed of extenal

e-SATA 3000 Mbps

FireWire (IEEE1394) 800 Mbps

USB2.0 480 Mbps

USB3.0 4000 Mbps

July 13, 2010

EXCEL - Function to filter Cell color or Font color on excel 2003

Function GetBackgroundColor(MyRange As Range)

GetBackgroundColor = MyRange.Interior.ColorIndex

End Function


Function GetFontColor(MyRange As Range)

GetFontColor = MyRange.Font.ColorIndex

End Function